Posts Tagged ‘Satan’


We go through each day making mistakes that we are of, and most times they are done unaware. When we think about our daily sins in the flesh, it can bring about feelings such as, “God will not forgive me,” “I keep doing the same things.” But thanks be to God who gives us a Savior in Jesus Christ that reminds us all is forgiven. (more…)


“Once we were dead in sin, BUT GOD made us alive!
Once we were captive to Satan, BUT GOD made us free!
Once we were children of wrath, BUT GOD has promised to spend eternity unwrapping the riches of his grace in kindness toward us!”

Ever notice while reading God’s word or even examine your own life that whenever we as people make a wrong turn in life, God does something to bring us back on course? That’s what is called a “but God” moment. The bible says, what people set out to be evil or harm against us, God uses it for good. A “but God” moment. (more…)


When Jesus was set to be nailed to the cross, the devil stood back and laughed, thinking, “I have Him now,” but what Jesus accomplished was all of God’s bigger plan for your life. Beloved not only did Jesus conquered death for all of us, but made a public spectacle of the devil and is gang. (more…)