Posts Tagged ‘Evangelism’


Of late I have been troubled with many circumstances that were personal and in the work place. Base on how I have been feeling of late I started to believe that I could not handle some of those obstacles that have been staring at me in the face. (more…)


Ever notice as soon as “worry” approaches us, we automatically think there is no way things will work out in our favor? In the flesh we think of the impossibilities but with the spirit it’s just another opportunity to show the power of God. (more…)


Have you ever tried to put together a jigsaw puzzle or anything that has multiple pieces? If you haven’t, just imagine what your thoughts would be before you start the process of assembling those pieces. Confusion, negativity and maybe despair. (more…)


When you believe in something, your body begins to change. Your spirit automatically gravitates to those feelings. The same can be said of the Lord. When you magnify the Lord, even though things are changing around you, things are changing in you. (more…)


Are you going through a situation where you believe God does not care? Do you find yourself wondering if God has forgotten about? (more…)


What are you confessing today about your life? What about your situation? The scripture tells us when we confess to ourselves and proclaim that Jesus is Lord we can conquer any barriers, any circumstances the devil throws our way. (more…)


Faith is simply believing in something. But there are different kinds, or levels, of faith. We’ve all been given a measure of faith. The question is, what are you doing with it? (more…)


When we go through circumstances in life, we are eagerly convinced that our way is always the best method and the only way to get out of the situation. But never do we just go to God as the only option in our time of need. (more…)


You may have had more than your share of unfair things happen in your life. You probably have plenty of reasons to just settle where you are. But understand, the depth of your past is an indication of the height of your future. (more…)


Many go around using the word love quite often. “I love you,” or even, “I love my house or car.” But according to scripture the word love has a greater meaning than how we use it on a daily basis. (more…)